Bayesian Modelling of Epidemic Processes

Written by Daniel Lawson from the University of Bristol School of Statistical Science.

Bayesian Modelling

Statistical inference: Bayesian modelling is a statistical inference procedure. Inference means learning from data. You have all done Likelihood-based inference, in which we know the probability of the data given the parameters, and invert to find the parameters for which this is maximised.

Bayesian inference uses Bayes Theorem,
P(θx)=P(xθ)P(θ)P(x), P(\theta | x) = \frac{P(x | \theta) P(\theta)}{P(x)},
to write a Posterior probability for the parameters given the data. This uses the Likelihood P(xθ)P(x | \theta) and the Prior P(θ)P(\theta).

It is hard because we often cannot compute the normalising constant P(x)=P(xθ)P(θ)dθP(x) = \int P(x | \theta) P(\theta) d\theta.

What Bayesian Inference means

If we provide a Prior that represents our true subjective beliefs, and a Model that contains all the possibilities that we believe could be true, then the Posterior is the correct probability of the parameters given the data. It is a consistent update rule, meaning that we will always get this answer, whatever order we see the data. It is “the right thing to do”.

Incorporating prior knowledge is often vital. See for example XKCD: Did the sun just explode?.

The two caveats are key, however. We often do not know how to completely specify our subjective beliefs over a complicated parameter space. We also rarely believe that we are entertaining all possible models that could be true.

The end result of these issues is that Bayesian Inference is often best considered to be a computational procedure for arriving at parameter estimates, rather than about beliefs.

How to do Bayesian Inference

Some key concepts:

Epidemic Processes

Epidemic processes are dynamical systems in which the state ϕ(t+δt)\phi(t+\delta t) at time t+δtt+\delta t depends on ϕ(t)\phi(t), the state at time tt. Some statistical models, that is, models for which we can write an explicit likelihood, have this property. These include renewal processes, ARIMA models, etc. However, most dynamical systems and especially those with interesting intrinsic dynamics have no explicit form.

The hierarchy of models might be described as:

In all cases, these dynamical systems may have interesting intrinsic structure. For example, there may be a “phase transition” where an epidemic changes from being periodic, to happening only once, or happening not at all.

Open research questions for the UG projects

There are open directions that can be explored.

Model mis-specification

  1. If there was a true, complex model (say, a compartmental one similar to our paper, Booton et al 2020) and we performed inference with a simpler model that lacked the fine-grained detail, what would be lost? Under which circumstances? Are the parameters for COVID-19 well-behaved?
  2. What if we replace the above compartmental model by an SDE, which we infer with an ODE? ODEs lead to a “likelihood” for the residuals, which is normally simple & independent (normal IID, negative binomial, etc). Can we change the likelihood to make it work better? This represents the “cost” of using a solvable dynamical model that can be handled in STAN when the truth is something more complicated.
  3. If there was a true epidemic model, but we used a statistical model chosen for tractability, what is lost? What questions provide “honest” (e.g. unbiased) answers, and which could result in dangerous inference due to model mis-specification?

Approximate Bayesian Inference

  1. How well do current state-of-the-art approaches to summary statistic selection perform on epidemic models? Do the accessible machine learning approaches work better? Under which circumstances, e.g. high number of parameters, when the dynamical system is near a phase transition, etc.
  2. What state-of-the-art Machine learning approaches could be incorporated into these models?
  3. What is the advantage of using an SDE vs ODE? Given that we cannot do STAN inference on an SDE.

Conceptual questions

  1. How does Bayesian Inference resemble maximum likelihood inference for epidemic models? How much information is coming from the prior, vs the data?
  2. What additional data we need to collect in order to make complex (high dimensional) parameter estimation procedures work?
  3. How does the computational performance of MCMC behave as the complexity of the model grows? Are there practical limits to how complex the model can be?
  4. What is lost when using alternative inference approaches such as variational methods? Are any of them both fast enough and accurate enough to be useful?

COVID-19 and directly relevant Papers

Approximate Bayesian Computation

Chandra 2020 “Stochastic Compartmental Modelling of SARS-CoV-2 with Approximate Bayesian Computation”.

Full Bayesian Modelling using ODEs

This is essentially using the toolkit STAN, following the recipe outlined by Grinsztajn et al 2020 in Bayesian workflow for disease transmission modeling in Stan.

There are few application papers to be found, however.

There is the South Africa paper that fails to cite STAN.

A different sampler is used in Why is it difficult to accurately predict the COVID-19 epidemic? Is it as good?

Full Bayesian Modelling using approximations

Most approaches you find will use this strategy; they change the model and predict a particular aspect of it.

Sampling approaches with a Bayesian Interpretation

Our paper, Booton et al 2020 Estimating the COVID-19 epidemic trajectory and hospital capacity requirements in South West England: a mathematical modelling framework uses a more complex model and samples parameter space.

A Machine Learning approach for Short-term forecasting COVID-19 cumulative confirmed cases: Perspectives for Brazil (Dal Molin Ribeiro et al 2020).

Background reading

Approximate Bayesian Computation

Fraser 2020 preprint on ABC that is robust to model mis-specification

Not all ABC needs sampling. Variational approaches are interesting. This from Dennis Prangles group: Black-box Variational Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations

Toolkits for ABC:

Machine Learning and ABC

Bayesian approaches


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